Crisis Of Mughal Empire

Reasons for Crisis Of Mughal Empire :

  1. Aurangzeb's deploit in Deccan : He had caused depletion of financial resources of the empire and military by fighting a long war in the deccan.Under his successors , the efficiency of the imperial administration broke down.
  2.  It became increasingly difficult for the later Mughal Emperors to keep a check on their powerful mansabdars . Nobles who were appointed as governors (subadars) controlled the offices of revenue (diwani and faujdari) which gave them extraordinary political, economic and military powers over vast regions of the Mughal Empire. There was a partial breakdown of periodic remission to the capital as the nobles tried to consolidate their control over provinces
  3. Peasant and zamindari rebellions in many parts of northern and western India added to these problems.They rebelled due to pressure of mounting taxes and attempts of powerful chieftans to consolidate their own position.
  4. Challanges by rebelious groups: These groups were able to seize the financial resources and consolidate their control over the state in the region . Aurangzeb's successors were not able to arrest  the gradual shifting of political and economic authority into the hands of provincial governors , local chieftans and other groups.
  5. Plunders : Nadir Shah the ruler of Iran sacked and plundered into Delhi in 1739 and took away immense amounts of wealth . This was followed by a series of raids by the Afghan rulerAhmad Shah Abdali , who invaded India 5 times between 1748 and 1761 . 
  6. Betrayal by Nobles : These further weakened the Mughal Empire. These groups were divided in 2 groups; Iranis and Turanis. The Mughal emperor were puppets in the hands of these powerful gropus. The Mughal emperor were assasinated and blinded by their nobles . 
