• Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary , Assam
Located in the Northeast state of Assam in the flood plains of the Brahmaputra River's south bank .It was first established as a reserved forest in 1908 to protect the dwindling species of Rhinoceros.It was inscribed in UNESCO in 1985.The Kaziranga Sanctuary in 1916 ,renamed  Kaziranga wildlife sanctuary in 1950, and declared a national park in 1974.The park ,which covers an area of  42,996 hectares,has the distinction of being home to the largest population of great Indian one-horned Rhinoceros.It is located in the Gologhat and Nagaon district in Assam, this most notable wildlife sanctuary is being declared as a World Heritage site by UNESCO in the year 1985.The park resides at and edge of the Eastern Himalayan biodiversity hot spot and this could be the perfect reason to envision high degrees of diversified species with great visibility.The land of Kaziranga is made fertile with the alluvial soil formed by the erosion and the slit deposition of Brahmaputra River to make it more eligible for agriculture at the outskirts of the park area.Its specialty is that very few jeeps are used there and also because it is a dense place and there are many swamp lands .Mostly tourists travel on elephants so that the pollution do not harm the environment there.Kaziranga National Park has chiefly three major types of flora as alluvial inundated grasslands,tropical wet evergreen forests and tropical semi-evergreen forests,but the main characters tic of flora in Kaziranga are dense and tall elephant grasses intermixed by small swamplands which are left behind by the receding flood waters of the river Brahmaputra. Different vegetation coverage in Kaziranga National Park is :tall elphant grasses 41 percent,short grasses 11 percent, open jungle 29 percent, river and water bodies 8 percent,sand 6 percent and swamps 4 percent.
